Tips! If you are flying premium, business, first on an international trip (you are in another country setting out to return to the US or travelling around abroad) — you get a security bypass card automatically for your status.…
Surviving the plane in style
My “tips” posts were getting long so I split them up — this one’s all about the plane ride … Upgrades: The early bird gets the seat So, the competition is getting more intense for these, so you have to…
Surviving the airport in style
Ok, so, let’s just say I visited probably a good 15+ countries before I was the age of 20. When I became gainfully employed, I then went on travel binges. There were spur of the moment trips with people I…
Racking up miles for travel
Ok, I’m not going to claim to be a professional on this, but I do have useful tips just based on experience. The airline industry is turning into a fast food chain. That’s the best way I have to put…
Don’t let the doubt stop you
Feeling philosophical tonight as I write this. Every once in a while, I relive a memory of coming back to the US for a visit while living abroad, and a conversation I had with a family friend who was probably in his…